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Turn toward me she whispers. 

The treasure you are endlessly seeking is right here.

I take a breath.

I pause.

I turn inward.

It’s uncomfortable, 

I don’t like it here


I feel weak, frightened, irritated, and overwhelmed.

Panic takes over.

I need to discharge this feeling.

I’m practiced at this.

I blame!

I attack!

I defend!

I mute!

I distract!

I escape!


She’s used to this insanity.

She’s steadfast. 

Turn toward me she whispers again…


When did you forget?


I am your friend,

The keeper of wisdom,

The key to freedom.


I am here. 

Turn toward me when you are ready, 

And I will show you how to ride the waves of discomfort

With your breath.

I will show you how to feel your fear, your anger, and your grief.


The game of hide and seek is over.

Surrender your arms, your fight, and your trickery dear one.

You are only exhausting yourself.


Turn toward me she whispers… 


The treasure you are endlessly seeking is right here.

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