The golden key to finding peace within yourself, and peace with your fellows, is accepting the things you can’t control, taking responsibility for the things you can control and devoting time and energy in developing the intuition to know the difference. I like emphasizing the idea of peace over happiness because I think, at the end of the day, it is peace our souls are truly seeking. Peace with all of creation.
I relate it to the game of chess where you spend the majority of the game contemplating your own next moves, fully aware that it is only your pieces on the board that you have control over, but how you move will affect how the rest of the board moves. It is a game of patience, wisdom and observation.
But life is not just chess, it is so much richer than that. There are other dimensions beyond the physical that make it so much more thrilling, terrifying and complex. The emotional dimension of love and fear (the absence of love) allow life to be the beautiful experience that it is meant to be. And I am telling you that love is the only way to play the long game of life.
There will come a time when you sit down and face some aspect of the game board of life, and it looks like you have no moves left. Fractured relationships, death of a loved one, the breakdown of a business, financial insecurity, incarceration, etc. Every move you have made to date has appeared to have made it worse. The fear impulse is almost always to try to control the other pieces on the board that are not yours. It may work momentarily but it will always end in a disaster – far removed from the peace you are seeking. No matter how dire the situation, there is always a move left in the direction of love.
Surrender and move towards love.
Ask yourself the simple question of “what does a move towards love look like in this situation” and I promise you and answer will come. And once you make the first move, the second one will become slightly more intuitive. As you continue, move after move, day after day, month after month in the direction of love, you will begin to realize you have started to play a different game than most other people. You will have forgotten why you were playing and what it was you were trying to win. Instead, you will have fallen in love with the game itself. You will have fallen in love with every piece on the game board. And most importantly, you will have fallen in love with yourself.
That is the real game of life. It is a game of love. Move by move down the road of happy destiny.
The Way
