There have been moments in my journey where it feels as though I have reached the mountain top, the pinnacle of joy or the final destination. During these flow states, it is as if nothing could break me, as if I am indestructible…but if that were true, it would imply our ability to grow and change is finite, which is in essence our evolutionary gift as humans.
And recently I was gifted with a personal reminder. It was shining a light in an area of myself I was blinded from…as if I was telling myself, “my work is done here”. And truthfully, when I first acknowledged its existence, I chose to ignore it. But as I felt its resistance build, I knew it was becoming undeniable.
And the Universe does seem to work in that mysterious way, sending people, places and situations along our path as a catalyst for growth. My experience this week gave me the moment of pause, to ask myself what will win - fear or love? And what is life without love?
As I was sitting in reflection, a beautiful friend sent me this quote below, which was just another sign the Universe sent my way.
“The longer I live, the more deeply I learn that love — whether we call it friendship or family or romance — is the work of mirroring and magnifying each other’s light. Gentle work. Steadfast work. Life-saving work in those moments when life and shame and sorrow occlude our own light from our view, but there is still a clear-eyed loving person to beam it back. In our best moments, we are that person for another.” - James Baldwin - Nothing Personal
We can learn an infinite amount from those in our lives, whether it be a stranger or a dear friend, but these lessons never cease, they will continue to shed light on our hearts. We can resist this discovery or embrace it as a gift.
“One discovers the light in darkness, that is what darkness is for; but everything in our lives depends on how we bear the light. It is necessary, while in darkness, to know that there is a light somewhere, to know that in oneself, waiting to be found, there is a light.” - James Baldwin
When all you see is darkness then you know YOU ARE THE LIGHT.
The Way
