The Way’s mission is to help people actualize their birthright of happiness by increasing conscious awareness through self-discovery, connecting with one’s authentic nature and tapping to one’s infinite creative potential. It is about meeting yourself wherever you are at and then leaning into your innate abilities to self-heal and your unlimited capacity to grow into who you choose to be.


Chris Kalbfleisch
Transformational Life Coach (Mastery)
Kundalini Teacher
"Who we think we are is a product of our own unique conditioning. To discover who we really are we must understand this conditioning, accept it, and find the courage to move past it. That is the road to Happy Destiny”
Jacqueline Wener
Kundalini Teacher
Clinical Counsellor
"I have spent the past 20 years acquiring a multitude of skills and experiences that have helped me to navigate the raw beauty and chaotic messiness of life".
Nikki Cyr
Marketing, Operations
"I have overcome my deepest darkest days in order to learn how to self-heal and finally be given the gift to share my experience and hope with others".

"All great changes are preceded by chaos”
Deepak Chopra

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